Koverto requirements analysis

About Kuvert

Things about Kuvert that are explained in the README and manual pages Kuvert that are important for Koverto design.

What Kuvert does not

  • Does not work as mailman or schleuder, in which the final destinations are managed by aliases mailman.
  • In the same way, it does not require to modify an email server setup.

What Kuvert does

  • It requires to modify the configuration of the application (from now on client) that send emails to be processed by Kuvert.
  • Only one Kuvert process can run in the same system, because it launches a receive-only MTA in a port.
  • Only one .Kuvert configuration file per Kuvert process.
  • kuvert_submit and Kuvert share the same configuration file.
  • Only one .kuvert_queue directory.
  • The client needs to be configured to either call kuvert_submit or configure the client SMTP credentials with the Kuvert's receive-only MTA.
  • Kuvert process *only- process emails from the .kuvert_queue or incoming in the Kuvert's MTA.
  • Kuvert uses *only- one keyring (GnuPG keyring).
  • Kuvert delivers the final email via sendmail or external email server found in the configuration file.
  • Kuvert allows per-recipient rules, but not per-sender rules
  • Kuvert logging in info mode does not say much, in debug mode is too verbose
  • Kuvert only allows one sender email and key to sign

For better understanding, see the example Kuvert's sessions.

Differences of Sequoia store with GnuPG keyring

  • Sequoia store can have different realms (each of them has also an associated) label name that contain different sets of public keys.
  • Sequoia store does not have private/secret keys so far. Therefore, *Umschagend can not sign emails- for now.

Initial thoughts

What Koverto could do different to Kuvert

Idea 1

  • Have different queue directories per configuration or cli argument.
  • Have a different sequoia store realm per queue directory.


  • How would koverto process know on which queue directory to search for emails or which store realm to search for OpenPGP keys?. One way could be to use the email addresses from which the emails come from, but there could be several levels of local_parts and subdomains to take into account and it adds complexity. In addition we want to be able to use the same sender email address with different clients and strategies.

Idea 2

  • Allow different koverto processes to read different configuration files and use different queues and sequoia store realms.


  • Adds complexity and can become confussing to administer.

Idea 3

  • If the applications only use the receive-only MTA, there is no need for a queue directory

Idea 4

  • Use an ssh tunnel, client or sendmail to put the email notifications in a directory read by koverto. See the Deployment Impossible diagram.


  • The applications do not allow to run arbitrary commands for sending their notifications, they only allow an SMTP server.

Using docker volume mounts

Koverto will most likely run in docker containers using volume mounts. This way the code lives in the image and the data in volume mounts. Data notably includes:

  • The sequoia store with all the public keys
  • The mail queue directories
  • log files

Volume mounts can be shared with the host and/or other docker containers. This way standard sequoia tools can be used to add keys to the keystore.

In addition a receive only MTA such as OpenSMTPD could run in a separate container and queue the mails to then be processed by koverto.

Minimal Koverto design

  • Make koverto behave the same way as Kuvert, one configuration file per email submission/MTA, process, queue and store realm, to do not add complexity and be compatibly with Kuvert.
  • If different applications would like to have different sequoia store realms, they would need to run koverto in different systems.
  • Use the same configuration variables as Kuvert, to make it easy to understand/migrate to koverto if the users already know/administer Kuvert.
  • Use the same cli arguments as Kuvert, for the same reason.

Handle multiple queue dirs with different policies

A single koverto instance could allow for handling mails according to different policies.

The configuration would set the policy based on the directory the mails are queued in.

For example koverto could watch for queued mails in


This way the MTA could be configured to store the mails in different folders based on the requirements of the clients.

It could expose this distinction by receiving mails on different domains, ports or with different authentication credentials.

Receive mails with koverto itself.

Work has started on using Samotop as an SMTP server that hands the incoming mails to koverto.

Currently it is running as a receive only MTA that queues the mails in a directory.

However this integration would be particularly interesting if we need to couple the MTA and the koverto process closer together for some reason.

Samotop is a research project and the development seems stalled for quite a while. However we could not find a more mature rust SMTPd out there either.

For now using a different MTA to queue the mails seems to be the way to go for production environments.

Kuvert and Koverto CLI arguments

    submit  as kuvert_submit. See kuvert_submit for the following arguments:
        -f  As Kuvert.
            Maybe to implement in the future
        -t  As Kuvert, but for koverto is the default right now.
            Maybe to implement in the future.
    Without submcommand, it will run the local MTA, if configured, and
    it will reads the emails in the configured queue.

    -c      Path to the configuration file. This option is not availabe in
    -o      As Kuvert, but for koverto it's the default right now.
    -d      As Kuvert. Maybe to implement in the future
    -r      (SIGUSR1) As Kuvert, it should be implemented.
    -k      (SIGTERM) As Kuvert, it needs to be implement,
            to allow stop koverto cleanly and easy systemd integration

Requirements by actual Kuvert users

How they use Kuvert

  • not use kuvert_submit command, because the applications they use do not allow to use arbitrary commands for notifications, only MTAs.
  • send email using the configuration of the Kuvert receive-only MTA.
  • Multiple instances of Kuvert in docker containers to be able to have have different applications using different MTA credentials (ie. not having the same password to authenticate with Kuvert receive-only MTA)
  • The different applications also require Kuvert do different things, eg.
    • encrypt (and sign?) or drop
    • encrypt opportunistically (and sign?)
    • unencrypted but signed
  • An script to reload Kuvert cause it does not detect when new keys are added or removed


  • all Kuvert instances use the same keyring
  • keys that are verified are stored in a git repository with the file named with the email address, (eg. alice@example.example.asc?) pad L105
    • if a key has multiple verified email addresses, there is one file per email address. pad L106

What they need

  • have only one application running as a receive-only MTA (#24) that allows different credentials, ie. user/password per client
  • allow each client to do different things, ie. encrypt and/or sign
  • do not have to reload Kuvert to detect changes on the keyring


  • At info level, it should log:
    • email received from alice@example.example
    • email sent encrypted to bob@example.example with key BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB and signed with key CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
  • At debug level:
    • plain text when something (what) fails
  • have the option to run Kuvert foreground (#21)

Sender rules

  • Each application (user/password) send the email with a different From and therefore possibly using a different key to sign

What would be nice to have

More ideas not required for a first release in the notes we took in a pad file.